MICROPIGMENTATION | Deluxe Aesthetics Clinic
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Micropigmentation, or semi-permanent make up, is an innovative cosmetic procedure that enables both men and women to enhance the shape of their eyebrows, hairline, lips, eyes, and more, through the process of depositing pigment into the skin's dermal layer.


This smudge-free treatment lasts for years and is a great way to restore confidence and self esteem in those with alopecia, hair loss, chemotherapy patients, and more.


Using a specialist facial tattooing machine, which works at a much lower frequency than a standard tattoo machine, we gently apply pigment to the skin using very fine needles.

The sensation is that of an electric toothbrush being held against your skin – you feel the vibrations but you should not feel any discomfort. We will always work with you at this stage, giving you breaks if you need them. The process normally takes about 1-2 hours, but it varies from person to person depending on your individual requirements.

Immediately after a brow treatment you should expect the area to look 20-30% darker than the colour you have chosen in consultation. This will start to fade after 3-4 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Micropigmentation performed?


Permanent makeup is performed by inserting a small, thin needle and hypoallergenic mineral pigment into the second layer of the skin to lightly contour and enhance the lips, eyes, or eyebrows, and more. Your aesthetician will wear gloves during the procedure in order to prevent the spread of germs and other issues.


This procedure differs from cosmetic tattoos in that it uses a different pigment than tattoo ink, and it also less invasive. The instrument used is also slightly less advanced than tattoo devices.


The procedure itself takes approximately twenty minutes to a half hour and is typically performed in an office setting, which means you will return home the same day.


Though, micropigmentation is usually a minimally painful procedure, depending on the area treated, some patients may receive anesthesia prior to treatment in order to make it more comfortable.

How much does it cost?

Hair Stroke Brows
Ombre Effect Eyebrows
Soft Shading Eyebrows
Eyelash Enhancement
Eyeliner Top Only
Eyeliner Bottom Only
Eyeliner Top & Bottom
Lip Contour
Lip Liner & Blend Into Lip
Full Lip Colour


SCALP - The cost of treatment will vary by patient depending on the level of hair loss and the size of the area to be treated. As a guide, scalp micropigmentation treatments range from £750 to £2500

Retouch Session
(after 4-6 weeks
for existing clients)
Annual Touch Up
(existing clients)


What to expect following the procedure?


Following treatment, patients will typically experience some swelling in the area treated. However, your specialist will instruct you on how frequently to apply ice to the area as well as what type of ointment to apply in order to help reduce the swelling. Clients who receive treatment in the eye area may also experience tearing afterwards, which is common. Therefore, your aesthetician will require that you have someone to drive you to and from your appointment.


​​Following your procedure, your aesthetician will also provide you with antiseptic to clean the treated area, and she or he may also advise that you avoid sunlight as well as certain products, like peroxide, as these can have a negative effect on your procedure.
Your coloring may appear more intense following the procedure; however, it will gradually fade within a few weeks.
If you develop a fever or rash or you experience excessive swelling or burning in the area following your procedure, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Am I a good candidate for Micropigmentation?


Semi-permanent make up is great for both males and females who wish to improve the appearance of their hairline, eyebrows, lips, and more.


It also great for those with allergies to traditional make-up.


Those with physical limitations, such as severe arthritis, may also benefit from permanent make-up. People who wear glasses and contact wearers with sensitive eyes may also be good candidates for this procedure.


Additionally, since permanent make up can also be used for medical purposes, known as dermapigmentation, it can also be used to treat scars, correct cleft lips, and restore areola pigmentation in those who have undergone chemotherapy or breast construction surgery.

How many procedures are required?


Some people may require two or more treatments in order to achieve desired results, so be sure to discuss with your specialist exactly how many treatments you will need when you go in for your consultation.


Also, the coloring will gradually fade over time; therefore, you will need to undergo additional treatments in order to maintain your look.

Does Scalp Micropigmentation look real?


Scalp micropigmentation can look incredibly real when done correctly. Most clients tell us that their co-workers or family members say they look younger or ask if they got a new haircut but they won't be able to pinpoint the exact change.

Is Micropigmentation safe?


Needles inject pigment granules below the upper layer of the skin, just like a tattoo. It gives a very natural look which lasts long and is quite low maintenance. The procedure is very safe generally when done by professionals.

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